The Times, They Are A-Changin’
It used to be that a degree was the ticket to getting in the door at many, if not most, companies. Not so much anymore. A survey of 800 employers conducted by “” produced these results:
80% indicated that experience would carry more weight than education when evaluating applications, and 81% said that it was important to them that college graduates have work experience. (The composition of the survey group was not included.)
Just over half said they have eliminated the need for a Bachelor’s degree for certain entry-level and some mid-level positions in order to enhance diversity in their workforce.
Additional statistical results:
95% still require a bachelor’s degree “for at least some roles”;
24% require a degree for 75% of their positions; and
27% require a degree for half their positions.
Certificate and other practical education programs are seen as having value.
Industries reducing or eliminating degree requirements tend to be in software, information services, construction, and finance and insurance, according to the survey.
A number of states have also dropped degree requirements for many jobs, including MD & VA.
Another trend: Fully remote work has dropped dramatically, with only 1% of employers still requiring 1 day or less per week in the office, while hybrid work has grown, with about 80% of employers either encouraging or requiring 3 or more days per week in the office.