We focus on your Business.
Hennrietta Smith, Owner of Vital Business Solutions
1)Value we bring to you
We supplement and support the human resources requirements of your business. Over the years we have established a reputation of integrity, honesty and diligence. We are also know for our personal approach; whereby, our client’s needs come first.
2)Seasoned professionals
Since 2000, we have come alongside our clients by forming coherent approaches to developing their organizations’ personnel. Each of our HR professionals has accumulated at least 7 years of industry experience. VBS partners with seasoned professionals who are comfortable with working on a contractual basis and are adept in the use of technology. Project lengths range from half a day up to one year. Depending on the project, work can be done from home during business or evening hours. However, clients are increasingly requesting that our consultants work business hours onsite.
Vital Business Solutions is a team of human resources and management professionals that develops simple systems to meet complex business needs. We partner with several independent consultants and small businesses throughout the Washington DC Metropolitan Area to provide unlimited services to our clients.
3)How we work
We examine your human resource management practices, taking into account business size, system complexity, and industry standards in order to assess your current HR functionality. We can assist you in efficiently and effectively attracting, retaining, or ending relationships with employees, independent contractors, or temporary workers. We are also experts in evaluations and surveys as well as discipline, counseling and discharge practices. Ultimately, we provide you with the tools needed to manage your HR department.
Once you partner with VBS, you are assigned an experienced human resources professional who is dedicated to your organization, allowing you to get an immediate, direct response based on your business structure, your work culture, and your HR needs.
4) Schedule a 15 minute consultation
We are known for providing human resource solutions without technical jargon and long processes. Contact us for a consultation or is you wish to join our team.

Our Clients come First