Are Your Employees Feeling “Stuck”?

Per online sources, rapid and disruptive changes to the workplace; communication, connection and coordination problems brought on by hybrid and remote growing pains; more demanding customers, with higher expectations for a better digital experience; and employees’ post-pandemic expectations for work-life balance, better compensation packages and remote work flexibility – which are not being met. Data indicate that 8 of 10 employees may be experiencing burnout to one extent or another. 

Another potential contributing factor to the above that is in the hands of employers is performance management practices that are outdated or misaligned. The use of effective feedback and communication mechanisms can help to clarify to employees what the mission and purpose – and even desired culture – of the employer are, and to employers what the desires and goals of employees are. IF elements of your feedback system could use improvement, VBS can help. 


H-1B Eligibility Rules Changing


2024 End-Of-Year Trends